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Where To Shop


Opening Today 12:00 - 06:30

Born in Tokyo to a Japanese mother and a Swiss father, Kazu Huggler was raised in both Japan and Switzerland. 

After completing the International Baccalaureate in Zurich, Kazu Huggler enrolled in Tokyo’s Keio University and graduated with a degree in Japanese History of Art and Aesthetics. Her label is heavily influenced by Japanese themes—kimono patterns, ancient printmaking, Japanese aesthetics, and traditional attitudes/philosophies of dressing. While most of Kazu’s inspiration comes from her strong Japanese background, her designs are geared for the global marketplace and made in Switzerland with Bernina sewing machines.

Kazu's pre-design stints include working in the marketing and sales department of Fabric Frontline Zurich where she was responsible for introducing Swiss products to the Japanese market. 

After, she enrolled in the Swiss University of Art and Design Hochschule für Gestaltung, and two years later, departed for London’s Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design. In London, Kazu apprenticed with Vivienne Westwood.

Kazu is no stranger to textiles; in addition to her custom couture line, she creates original prints and designs high-end sterling silver bags and accessories.

Kazu resides in Zurich with her family and travels frequently to Tokyo where she is show casing her latest collections and collaborations.

 Since March 2011, she has been actively involved in restoration projects in the north of Japan and has donated Bernina sewing machines to high schools hit by the disaster. Kazu has also committed to the long-term support of the citizens of Rikuzen Takata region in Iwate Prefecture and founded a non-profit organisation Three Cranes Association.


Ankerstrasse 122

8004 Zürich


Contact info@kazu.swiss . 043 268 05 75

Opening Today 12:00 - 06:30

Regular Opening
  • Thu. 12:00 - 06:30
  • Fri. 12:00 - 06:30
  • Sat. 12:00 - 04:00
